
Species Profiles

Below, you'll find the list of profiles which link to the profiles themselves; they're clasified roughly by their environment (fresh/brackish/marine) and then further by what familes/genera they belong to.

Moray Eels: Family Muraenidae
Moonys: Familiy Monodactylidae
Gobies: Family Gobiidae
Bagrid Catfish: Family Bagridae

Antenna Catfish: Family Pimelodidae

Cichlids: Family Cichlidae


Here you'll find profiles about fish. Simple enough, right?

Each post will be about a different species, coming from anywhere in the world, be it freshwater, brackish, marine or the depths of your toilet, we'll eventually have it up here. 
So here's how we'll do it:

The Common WaterfishFishichthys fishicus

I'll post a picture, kinda like this one but not a cartoon. It'll show the fish that the profile is about.

Common Names: Here you'll see what the fish is most commonly called in the English language, and other languages too if they make it sound funny enough.

Scientific Name: Because sometimes we like to flirt in Latin. Here you'll find the most accepted Latin name along with any other commonly used sciencey names (if applicable).

From Where? I'll give you a clue or two about where this guy comes from. Can be useful in making up biotopes etc.

Size: Some are big, some are small. I'll let you know how big they can expect to grow in the wild, as well as how small they grow (sense?) in your tank.

Foodstuffs: Your favourite part of the hobby - feeding your fish! :D Here we'll try to make sure you do it right.

Water: Fish live in water, but getting the right water is important. I'll tell you all about the H20 that's gonna keep this specific creature alive.

Aquarium Specifics: While I'm all for ornamental sharks that fart bubbles and cheesy treasure chests, I think it'd be best if I let you know about what the fish really appreciates as furniture.

Compatibility: This paragraph should keep your tank from looking like a bloodbath.

Specific Problems: Nearly every fish has some sort of twitch or catch about it. It's best that you learn about it now rather than later.

Rarity: The most useless paragraph so far, I'll give you an estimate about how unlikely it is that you'll ever come across this fish.

Similar Species: Just because they look alike, it doesn't mean that they swim alike. Get the species right here.


That's that then.